Mission Statement:
Petersburg Humane Association shelters homeless cats and dogs and promotes responsible animal care within our island community.

The Petersburg Humane Association exists to eliminate cruelty to and suffering of animals by promoting compassion and kindness toward domestic and companion animals in Petersburg, Alaska.
The Petersburg Humane Association (PHA) is an all-volunteer group that organized in 1999 to serve as a focal point for finding solutions to those problems. Our ultimate goal is a town in which every companion animal has a safe and loving home. In the meantime, we are raising awareness of the needs of our animal friends, providing temporary shelter as we try to find permanent homes for animals without them now, and encouraging responsible pet ownership.
Our program has several facets, all working to benefit Petersburg's companion animals.
The major parts of our task are:
Care of homeless cats and dogs
Since 1999, our volunteers have cared and found forever homes for over 400 cats and dogs, and have helped owners pay for the spay / neuter of numerous pets.
PHA is governed by a Board of Directors who serve staggered three-year terms.
Current members:
• President Jane Smith
• Vice-president Anne Lee
• Secretary Denise Galli
• Treasurer Rhoda Gilbert
• Director Mary Clemens
• Director Dona Nussbaumer
• Director Britni Birchell
• Director Mandy Ritenour
The Petersburg Humane Association is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, Federal ID# 92-0166958.